This textbook is written by Bristol Ground School, the leading European commercial pilot theory training organisation, for professional pilots studying for their licence theory exams. It is part of a series of titles covering all the subjects examined by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The series covers the theory requirements for the EASA Airline Transport Pilot Licence, Commercial Pilot Licence and Instrument Rating for both Aeroplanes and Helicopters.
Air Law ATPL (A & H)
- Understanding the framework
- ICAO and the Chicago convention
- The 1944 Chicago convention
- Other conventions and agreements
- Personnel licensing
- The rules of the air
- Flight rules and procedures
- Lights and signals
- Interception
- Aircraft markings and airworthiness
- Facilitation
- The division of airspace
- Air traffic services
- Alerting and search and rescue services
- Aircraft accident investigation
- Aerodromes
- Aerodrome markings
- Aerodrome lighting
- The aeronautical information service
- Security
- PANS-OPS approach and departure
- Holding and altimeter setting procedures
- Parallel runway operations
- SSR operating procedures
- Air traffic control
- EASA flight crew licensing