PilotWorkshops VFR Communications Manual

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2 190,- Kč
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PilotWorkshops VFR Communications ManualPilotWorkshops VFR Communications ManualPilotWorkshops VFR Communications ManualPilotWorkshops VFR Communications ManualPilotWorkshops VFR Communications ManualPilotWorkshops VFR Communications Manual

Anglicky psaná příručka VFR letecké komunikace pro piloty, která vám pomůže se zlepšit v letecké komunikaci bez ohledu na vaše zkušenosti s létáním. Tento průvodce vede čtenáře krok za krokem. 


You probably felt intimidated when learning to talk on the radio. You’re not alone. In fact, VFR radio communications remain one of the scariest and most difficult things pilots must learn in order to fly in today’s airspace.

Once you learn to talk on the radio, the challenge is then to keep your communication skills sharp. This can be difficult, especially for pilots who don’t fly frequently. And with no “formal” communications training, it’s easy to develop bad habits over time.

This simple, Pilot-Friendly Manual eliminates mic-fright and helps you learn good communications skills quickly and easily.


  • Task-oriented format—what to say, when, and where
  • AIM and FAA-approved radio phraseology
  • Also the phraseology you’re likely to hear in the real world
  • Table of contents makes it easy to find what you need
  • Fully illustrated with airspace and airport diagrams
  • Advanced communications tips and techniques
  • Digital manual looks great on an iPad; keep it in your EFB app for quick access
  • Spiral-bound 8.5” x 11” printed manual for easy use in the cockpit
  • Bonus videos to hear and see every radio call in action

There have been video courses and software programs built to tackle the problem of pilot communications. While these tools can help, we found that sometimes a simple printed manual is the best way to learn.

For many years, PilotWorkshops has been selling a line of Pilot-Friendly GPS Manuals that help pilots master the complexities of Garmin GPS Units. These manuals provide step-by-step, task-oriented training—and pilots love them! They’ve sold thousands of these manuals because they get the job done in a simple, practical way.

The team at PilotWorkshops figured if the Pilot-Friendly GPS Manuals worked so well, why not create one that tackles VFR radio communication in the same no-nonsense style.

The Pilot-Friendly Manual for VFR Communications teaches you exactly what to say, when—in every kind of VFR flight situation. Use it to master radio communications as a whole, or as a quick reference guide (for example, brush up on Class C communications before departing on a flight to a Class C airport). The Table of Contents lists all the communications you will encounter in VFR flying and makes it easy to find what you need.


For pilots of all levels

The Pilot-Friendly VFR Communications Manual will help you improve on the radio, regardless of your flying experience. Whether you’re a student pilot trying to learn this new language, or an experienced pilot who skirts busy airspace to avoid talking on the radio, this simple pilot radio communications guide gives you the confidence to do it right.

Student pilot

  • Learn best practices on the radio; don’t develop bad habits
  • Prepare for each lesson—learn what you need on that flight
  • Improve fluency if English is your second language

Experienced pilot

  • Brush up on radio skills that may have gotten rusty
  • Review things you aren’t sure of before you encounter them in-flight
  • Eliminate bad habits and poor phraseology (chances are you have some)

Flight instructor

  • Use proper radio phraseology—don’t teach your students bad habits
  • Review with students, cover radio work they will use on their next lesson
  • Help your students feel more comfortable, from their first lesson to the check ride
Dokumenty v aktuálním umístění:
  • Žádné dokumenty
Dokumenty v aktuálním umístění:
  • Žádné dokumenty
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